Plague Marine Reinforcements


Plague Marine Reinforcements

Original price was: £27.50.Current price is: £24.75.

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This box set contains 3 plastic Plague Marines, which can be used as alternative models in any Plague Marine squad:

Blight Stalker – a trench warfare expert, resplendent in a sinister gasmask – he is armed with a bolter and blight grenade (featuring a skull), and is accompanied by a nurgling carrying a disease-coated stick – it’s probably best not to dwell on where that stick has been…

Dipteron – evoking the classic Death Guard motif of mutation and corruption, this model is covered in growths and tentacles, and wields a meltagun and blight grenade. He features extra meltagun nozzles on his back, showing his commitment to the long war.

Corpulux – bloated, diseased and in an advanced state of disrepair, his armour is bursting with decay, held together by patches of chain mail. He carries a plague knife and a blight bomb – again, this bomb is made out of an unfortunate victim’s head…

These models are supplied as 15 plastic components, with 3 Citadel 32mm Round bases.

Please see here for images.

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